Senior girl and her rescue dog | Clermont, FL


central florida dog photography_piperMeet Piper.

Everyone that contacts me has a reason why, in that moment, they want to have photos taken of their dog(s) and/or themselves. Sometimes it’s for holiday cards or because they got a new puppy. Sometimes it’s simply because they know cool art work of their dog and other times, it’s because  a pup has fallen ill and they don’t have much time. But this time….it was a celebration. As soon as I read her email, I couldn’t wait to meet her (let’s call her N) and Piper.

N is a high school senior, class of 2015. She has so much to celebrate and be proud of! Yet she had something she felt was even more exciting and the reason for reaching out to me. She told me about Piper, her Aussie mix dog and how they were celebrating 5 years of being together! Piper was a rescue and N and her share such a special bond that N wanted her senior photos to be with her best pal. How cool is that?!

We decided on a sunrise shoot once they told me about the land they had for us to work with. I was very excited as sunrise is my absolute favorite time of day to shoot! It’s always tough to get up so early but it is always, always worth it! The shots above were taken on the family dock at sunrise. The family tells me they spend a lot of mornings out there looking out over the lake. It was so peaceful and so serene.


N then showed me around a bit and wanted to show me how Piper enjoyed the agility equipment. After some introspective time at the lake, Piper was ready to burn off some energy! Lucky for her, she has lots of space to run and play.




The rest of the session was seamless and I felt as though I could photograph this family all day. They were so warm and welcoming and I truly enjoyed hanging out with them and listening to N’s mom tell stories about their home and their extended family. We even spent some time with N’s brother and his dog Chewy.


I left this session with a smile on my face and joy in my heart for having met this sweet family. I am glad for Piper that N’s heart was open to rescuing her. Thank you to N and your family for allowing me to hang with you on a beautiful fall morning. Your love for one another and the animals you care for is heartwarming and inspiring.


Piper, you are a lucky pup and I am so glad you have your forever home.

If you liked N’s story, be sure to comment below and share some love! Have your own rescue story to share? Contact me today, I want to hear all about it | (407) 494-5838

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