Shelties and their family | Altamonte Springs community park


Central Florida Dog photography

Meet Huck (Huckleberry Finn), Charlie (Charlie Brown) and Zach.

Even though I’m a dog photographer, I find great joy in being a part of family photos. I love hearing the stories and seeing the connections among family members…both the 2-legged and 4-legged ones. In this family, Huck and Charlie have two human brothers who not only share the same initials but the first two letters of their name. I prefer not to share human names in my stories for privacy sake so I will call them C and H.

So I met Mom, Dad, Charlie & C, Huck & H and learned they live just around the corner from the boys’ grandpa. They take daily walks back and forth to each other’s homes and the boys get to spend a lot of time with their grandpa which is awesome. Did I mention Grandpa has a sheltie too? Yup, his dog is Zach and is brothers with Charlie Brown. How fun is that?

family and dog photographer orlando


We started our session at Grandpa’s house since it was just a short walk away. I loved this shot of all the family together. When I was chatting with Mom about why she wanted these photos done, she told me about her own mother and how important family photos were to her. I am sure she is smiling down from above seeing the family taking photos together they will cherish for generations to come.

Central Florida family photography

Just down the road and another short walk away was this really beautiful park with tons of activities for families and sat adjacent to a lake. This provided lots of different backdrops and allowed the grown ups a chance to relive their youth a bit!

Altamonte springs family photographyCentral Florida family photographer 2family and dog photographer orlando 2sheltie dog photography Altamonte Springs

Along with capturing the family moments, I found it equally important to photograph the brothers together because these years go by so very quickly. C looks up to H so much. These are the photos that you look back on with love and joy to remember the times when life was simple and care free and as long as your big brother was by your side, you could take on anything. These two boys have a bright future ahead and I hope they will always lean on each other as they grow.

brothers on a dock family photography orlando

When I get the chance to meet with families ahead of time, before our session, we often times are working together to create works of art that are meaningful and purposeful. The photo below was a recreation of a photo they had in their home from when H was younger. There is no greater bond than a boy and his dog. And that’s what I love about this family…family is what is most important and there is so much love in each relationship. Everyone has a friend when they need one.

a boy and his dog central florida dog photography

It warms my heart when I meet a family that puts family first and recognizes the value in having these moments photographed and displayed. While these children feel the love around them daily, having photos on their wall reiterates the importance of these relationships and demonstrates to them that family (the furry members too) is what matters most!!

Families come in all sizes and from all different backgrounds…I’d love to hear what makes your family amazing and special. Contact me today and let’s plan a session that tells YOUR story!

And of course, comment below with your own family stories or just simply share the love with these beautiful people!



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