Our colorful world: RED!


I know this seems a litte out of the ordinary for what I typically shoot but I thought perhaps it’s time to start sharing a bit about me and what I do when I’m not photographing your furry canine companions. To get me started, I have joined a blog circle – this is just a small group of women who share the passion and joy for photography much like myself. We have chosen a theme for our blog circle and that theme is color! And for this month, the color is red!

One wouldn’t think finding things to photograph that are red would be hard – and well, it wasn’t. But finding things to photograph that are red and interesting, that’s another story! I found it very challenging in fact to actually find a subject to photograph that would make for a good blog post and be interesting enough for you to want to read about it. I decided to approach this from another angle. My kids!! They are my everything and I photograph them every single day.

Here is a glimpse into my world with a look at an ordinary trip to Target – it doesn’t get more red than that, right?!


This is Sam. He is the epitome of 2.5 years old. Can you tell?


Within the first few minutes of our trip, after finally deciding where he would sit, he tackles the seat belt and throws his hands up in the air as he shouts “I did it!” He is just as proud of himself after the 30th time as he was the first time.


Lo and behold, the seat was short lived as he found much more interesting things to do in such a vast, red store.



And this is why we tend to shop at 9am on a Thursday morning. He doesn’t always like to keep up with me when he’s “shopping” on his own. A quick duck to the next aisle usually gets him moving his tush a little faster!



A trip to Target wouldn’t be complete without a stop in the toy aisle – more specifically, the Lego section! He can hardly contain his excitment as he attempts to (yet again) escape his crimson carriage. A quick redirect to the lighted display keeps him seated a little while longer.



Alas, that is short lived as we round out our trip to the produce section. This boy loves his fruit and is esepcially fond of apples. Don’t worry, we brought these particular apples home with us!


We can’t forget the highlight of the trip – climbing in through the back, over all the carseats. Yes, count them – 1, 2, 3!! That right there is two more reasons to shop at 9am on a Thursday morning – school for the older siblings! They say to never shop on an empty stomach but I say never shop outnumbered!


I hope you’ve enjoyed this little glimpse into my everyday and will continue to follow me throughout our journeys. Head on over to my friend Heather’s blog to see her take on the color red. I can’t wait to share again next month!

Comment below if you want to see me share more from our everyday life.

Thank you for stopping by!

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